The voucher received to you can be claimed via WhatsApping to 0777573432 or by visiting the Havelock rd outlet and showing the order.

Showing all 3 results

Gift Voucher (Rs 5000)

LKR. 5,000.00
3 X LKR. 1,670.00 with
Koko or Mintpay
This Voucher can be redeemed by showing us the order ID at our Outlet or via WhatsApp on 0777573432

Valentines Hamper 1

LKR. 3,990.00
3 X LKR. 1,330.00 with
Koko or Mintpay
Items Included Doritos sweet chilli 29g x 1 Kinder county x 1 Kinder creamy x 1 Ricco x 2 Combo x 2 Tofiluk 1 Break sandwich x 1 Break 2 finger x 2 Nutella B ready x 1 Twix x 1 Kit kat 2 finger x 1 Skittles fruit 38g x 1 Kit kat 4 finger x 1 Flavoured toffe x 5

Valentines Hamper 4

LKR. 9,990.00
3 X LKR. 3,330.00 with
Koko or Mintpay
Items Included Milka strawberry x1 Milka Oreo x1 Milka alpine x1 Black forest 160g x1 Pringles sour 40g 1 Kit kat 4 finger milk x1 Kit kat 2 finger x1 Kit kat chunky white x1 Twix x1 Gold coin x1 Snickers x1 Kinder county x1 Combo wafer x1 Toblerone milk 100g x1 Raffaello 3pcs pack x 1 Galaxy smooth white x 1